The gang picks on Scott this week and discusses Psystar for sale, Hancock review, Chris having to work on Sunday, Star Wars the Clone Wars, Tron2 trailer leaked, Sex Panther, Bret the monkey faced pig, Women try to open door mid flight, Air powered cars, The new Dodge Challenger, Atomic Shark Camaro concept, Chris is still claiming to buy a Xbox 360, and Storm Troopers everywhere
Not sure if you guys caught it. The Wolverine trailer was leaked too. The blob, Deadpool and Gambit all had brief cameos. Sabertooth did much for me. Looks good though. Might be hard to find now thought. Loved the star wars bits. That Vader bit is a freaking riot.
no, i didn't catch that but i will mention it on the show. i want to keep this very interactive. so any thoughts questions or stories you find will most likey come up durring the course of the show. thanks for the find and thanks for listening ric. can you come out next sunday to record with us. plug the movie you worked on?
thanks again ric.
I can't this weekend, but the following weekend I can for sure. That would be great. I'd love to get to do that with you guys. I'll for sure do a lil story looking and if I see anything that you guys would like I will for sure send them your way. Again love the show guys, really fun.
I do know that once we start Shooting our next movie, Billy and I will be looking to start a podcast on the making of a movie. Be great to work with you all on that porject.
I'll talk to you all later guy.
done and done good sir. i'll send you a message in the next few days.
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